Alfred and Leslie sitting behind a table with a sign in the front that has Native & Uncommon Plants with the phone number and 3 adjectives. Leslie is wearing white sitting on the right while Afred is wearing dark green sitting on the left. Both are smiling proudly holding up gardening tools

Kiva Loan Success Story: Native & Uncommon Plants

Alfred and Leslie sitting behind a table with a sign in the front that has Native & Uncommon Plants with the phone number and 3 adjectives. Leslie is wearing white sitting on the right while Afred is wearing dark green sitting on the left. Both are smiling proudly holding up gardening tools
Leslie and Alfred proudly representing Native & Uncommon Plants

Introduction Alfred and Leslie Romeu own Native & Uncommon Plants, a native plant nursery that focuses on cultivating pollinator-friendly, sustainable plants. The growing demand for native plants has shifted their goals from retailing to wholesale and focusing on growing more plants.

Challenges in Traditional Funding Traditional funding sources proved difficult for Native & Uncommon Plants. The Foundation’s partnership with Kiva offered an ideal solution, with a no-interest loan and a simple, user-friendly application process.

The Kiva Loan Experience The application process with Kiva was straightforward and quick, making it an ideal solution for the nursery’s financial needs. The Native Plant Horticulture Foundation played a crucial role in endorsing their loan application, raising the probability of funding. Although they only received half of the requested amount upfront, the community support and the ease of the process made the experience worthwhile, Alfred says, and they’ll “definitely do it again.”

Impact of the Kiva Loan Despite receiving only half of their requested amount, the loan significantly helped sustain operations during the off season, allowing Native and Uncommon to invest in essential resources. The funds from their Kiva loan were helpful in enhancing their growing operation by adding more plants, a watering system, and enhancing their greenhouse. Alfred reported that their “goal is to increase inventory on hand fivefold, grow more understory trees that other nurseries don’t offer, and also grow perennials and vines in larger sizes for the local landscaper and garden centers.

Current Operations and Future Plans Native and Uncommon’s growing operation is now thriving and Alfred and Leslie are in the process of preparing for a bountiful spring in 2025. Their loan was fully funded in just a week, a testament to strong public interest in native plants and the Kiva community support for small businesses that contribute to healthy communities. Looking ahead, Alfred and Leslie plan to apply for another Kiva loan once their first loan is repaid.

Recommendation for Kiva Loans Alfred and Leslie highly recommend the Kiva Loan Program. The process is user-friendly, fosters community support, and is a great option for small businesses with limited financial backing. Learn more about their journey here. You can also learn more on the Kiva Loan process here.